Health Management System
Our Health Management System, built using PowerApps Canvas, streamlines patient care and wellness management. Designed to empower patients and healthcare providers, the system offers:
- Appointment and Medication Reminders: Patients receive timely notifications for appointments and medications, ensuring adherence to treatment plans.
- Fitness and Activity Tracking: Monitor physical activity levels and fitness goals to promote a healthier lifestyle.
- Emergency Information and Contacts: Access critical health information and emergency contacts in an instant.
- Health Goal Setting and Progress Tracking: Patients can set personalized health goals and track their progress, encouraging active participation in their well-being.
Appointment and Medication Reminders
Patients and Fitness Activity Tracking
This solution enhances patient engagement, simplifies health tracking, and ensures that critical information is always accessible. It empowers users to manage their health proactively while reducing administrative overhead for healthcare providers.
Project information
Category: App design
Project date: 01 March, 2022
Information Technology:
- Database- Sharepoint List.
- Document- Sharepoint document liberary.
- Automation- Power Automate